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Image by Joel Holland


Grow Closer is for both Christians and Non- Christians. Our aim at Grow Closer is to bring individuals throughout the world into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

For the Non- Christians we aim to help them understand their need for Jesus. We are committed to taking the gospel to people, and places as quickly, clearly, and persuasively as possible.

Our passion is to help Christians both young and old to grow in their relationship with God.
We use Bible-based teaching and Christian apologetics to defend the Bible, as we live in this postmodern world.


We are an online ministry focused on presenting the Bible in a practical, and easy-to-understand manner.


We believe in a pre-millennial dispensationalist view of Scripture, with a strong emphasis on Grace through Faith Alone.

Grow Closer seeks to address Christians' issues and give a place for people to discuss various theological topics and ideas.

We challenge listeners with its messages, asking them to examine their real calling as Christians, whether or not they are using their gifts, and how they can better serve Christ.

Each week new content is added to our website and Youtube channel.  Some of the things on our website and Youtube channel are:

  • Daily Bible Scriptures 

  • Inspirational Bible Message

  • Bible lessons

  • Christian apologetics videos

  • Christian Digital Resources

  • Occasional Ecards and more


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