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Flower Buds

Cast All Your Burdens


God is greater than all your burdens

Psalm 55:22

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;

he will never let the righteous be shaken.

A guy was struggling to carry a large bag of grain down a remote road when a passing wagon driver saw him. Assuming the bag must weigh at least sixty pounds, the driver gently pulled on the reins to slow the horses.

The driver ask the guy, I'll take you, Mr., if you need a ride.

The driver ask the guy, I'll take you, Mr., if you need a ride. Come on up here with me.

The worn-out man climbed into the seat, grateful, and took a seat for the remainder of the journey into town. He did not, however, take the heavy sack off his shoulder.

After a brief period of silence, the concerned driver asked, "Why don't you put that down and relax?"

He was surprised to hear the first man respond, "Oh no!

Just asking you to carry me is sufficient; you don't need to carry this as well.

When you are tempted to carry your troubles alone, pause to consider who you are dealing with. He is God, the One who created and sustains the universe.

The question is, are you still going to carry your life burdens or will you fully cast your cares on Him?

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