Faith is a Power

Matthew 17:20 (NLT)
Jesus said, “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”
Faith is a powerful force. It is the Kingdom's nitroglycerin. A single drop the size of a mustard seed (or a small speck in the palm of your hand) can move mountains. And why is this the case? Because faith moves God – it is one of the things He loves to see active in our hearts. And when He sees faith in action, He is driven to execute His great and remarkable work in and through us.
Yes, faith is a powerful force. It has the power to move mountains, halt lions' jaws, conquer kingdoms, and raise the dead. However, its strength ebbs and flows in the same way as the tides of the sea do. Our faith is strong and unwavering on certain days, but it needs to be strengthened on others.
Jesus prayed for Simon Peter's faith not to fail. Faith fails; its steps become unclear and halting. For this reason, Faith must always have a renewable source of energy; a never failing supply of rejuvenating strength to strengthen it when it is close to running out.
LOVE is that one constant supply.
Even Hell, in all its rage, cannot shake a man or woman who is anchored and based in God's everlasting Love. Though Faith and Hope may collapse beneath the constant strokes of tragedy, Love never fails.
Now abides Faith, Hope, and Love — and the greatest of these is Love.