Hope is a Promise

Romans 8:24
“And this hope is what saves us. But if we already have what we hope for, there is no need to keep on hoping.”
Faith is power and hope is a promise. Why?
For Hope is always about the future; not really about what we have now.
Hope is a promise, and faith is a force. Why?
Because hope is always about what is still to come, never about what we already have.
But Hope is different in this regard: even if it cannot see what is promised and will never be able to grasp it until the day it arrives, Hope remains steadfast and unwavering. Hope is for the next world; faith is for this one.
Because there will be no need for Faith in Heaven once we arrive, we should spend whatever we have while we are here.
Hope is a promise that propels our hearts onward to a brighter day, lifting us beyond the current darkness of a terrible stretch and keeping us afloat in the midst of turbulence and difficulties. And our Hope will be rewarded greatly on That Day when we pass the boundary of Time into Eternity and behold what our hearts have only imagined.
However, hope can fade in the face of delays, and hope delayed can make the heart ill. As a result of being weakened by soul-sickness, our hearts may lose their hold on what is promised; our Hope may wane, and our will to keep moving forward may fade in the dusk of unclear turns.
That is when Love comes in to help Hope get back on its feet, for Love never fails.
And this Love is a Person.