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Part 3 Bible lesson

How can I be saved? part 3


What Is Repentance?

A lot of people these days fear the word repent. Really, they’re so scared of that word they stay away from the word repent entirely! But hardly any really knows what that little word means. It may be surprising for you to discover the word repent in the Greek New Testament merely means to turn around. It was a military word that described a soldier marching in one path and then doing a U-turn.

Why do we need to repent?

In the spiritual sense, it means to change your mind. The word repent is a picture-perfect description of what happens when you come to Christ. You no longer reject Christ, but now you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. You do a spiritual U-turn, which in turn changes everything.

Not only do you change your mind about Christ, but you also change your mind about sin. You realize what it really means to honor God. You understand that it’s no longer about performance. It’s about the attitude of the heart and that we embrace Christ and seek to honor Him in every part of our life!

Do not be afraid of the word repent. But instead, welcome the idea of doing a spiritual U-turn, turning to Christ and away from sin in your life!

What is Sin?

Sin is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible, starting with the "original" sin when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Sin is simply the violation of any of God's laws, including the Ten Commandments, God's moral Law.

The apostle Paul, however, puts this in perspective in Romans 3:20, when he says, "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in His sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin."

God wanted us to recognize our sins. Even those who have not murdered or committed adultery will find themselves convicted of lying, or of worshipping false idols like wealth or power ahead of God.

This may seem harsh but not so God is Holy and Perfect and cannot stand sin.

God's message of salvation is for all people:

Jesus died for the sins of the whole world (John 3:16).

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).

God our Savior “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth” 1 Timothy 2:4

1 Timothy 2:3-4 bible verse

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