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Flower Buds

The Benefits of Waiting


Isaiah 64:4

Since ancient times no one has heard,

no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

Waiting is something I hate. I don't like to wait. ….

For someone at the airport.

For the traffic light to go green.

For my food to be serve at the restaurant.

For the seedlings to sprout.

For the rain to stop.

For my prayers to be answered.

I just don’t like to wait. Period. It's so difficult to wait,

specifically when I'm awaiting on the Lord for my prayers

to be answered. He seemed to move so slowly at times.

However, waiting is a crucial component of spiritual discipline.

It can be our faith's greatest test.

We will get into problems if we become impatient with waiting and try to solve the problem on our own. But if we patiently wait for God, we will prosper.

Are you willing to wait for God's best answer?


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