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The Gift of Advent

Preparing for His Presence, Not Just Presents

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The Christmas season is a whirlwind, isn’t it? From shopping for the perfect gifts to decorating the house just right, it’s easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle. But in the middle of all the chaos, we sometimes forget that Advent isn’t just a countdown to Christmas morning. It’s an opportunity to pause, prepare, and refocus on the most important gift of all—God’s presence in our lives through Jesus Christ.

Advent, derived from the Latin word adventus, means “coming” or “arrival.” It’s a season of waiting with anticipation, not just for the celebration of Christ’s birth, but also for His return. But how often do we actually take time to reflect on that? Too often, our preparation centers around presents under the tree rather than the gift of Jesus, who came to bring us eternal peace, joy, and salvation.

So, let’s unpack what it means to truly prepare for His presence this Advent season.

1. Waiting Well: Rediscovering the Joy of Anticipation

Do you remember what it felt like as a child to count down the days to Christmas? The excitement, the longing, and the sheer joy of waiting for something wonderful. Advent invites us to recapture that same sense of anticipation, but with a deeper focus.

In our fast-paced world, waiting feels like an inconvenience. We want things now—instant shipping, quick solutions, fast results. But Advent reminds us that waiting isn’t wasted time; it’s sacred time. Just as the people of Israel waited centuries for the promised Messiah, we, too, are called to wait with hope for Christ’s return.

Isaiah 40:31

“But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” 

Waiting isn’t passive. It’s an active, faith-filled posture of trust in God’s perfect timing.


2. Decluttering Your Heart to Make Room for Jesus

Let’s be honest. Preparing for Christmas often feels like a marathon of to-do lists—shopping, cooking, wrapping, and hosting. But what about preparing your heart? Advent is the perfect time to clear out the spiritual clutter that keeps us from experiencing God’s presence fully.

Think of your heart like the inn in Bethlehem. When Mary and Joseph arrived, there was no room for them because every space was already filled. How often do we do the same to Jesus? We let busyness, stress, and distractions crowd out the room He longs to occupy.

Psalm 51:10

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” 

Psalm 51:10 is a beautiful prayer for this season: This Advent, ask God to reveal anything in your life that needs to be surrendered. Maybe it’s unforgiveness, worry, or misplaced priorities. When we make room for Jesus, we allow His peace and joy to fill the empty spaces.


3. Embracing the Gift of Presence Over Presents

If we’re honest, much of our time during the holidays is spent searching for the “perfect” gift. But the best gifts aren’t found in stores—they’re found in relationships.

Advent invites us to shift our focus from material things to what truly matters: time with God and meaningful connection with others. When we prioritize His presence, everything else falls into place.

In Luke 10:38-42, we read the story of Mary and Martha. While Martha was distracted by her preparations, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to Him. Jesus lovingly reminded Martha that Mary had chosen the “better thing.”

This season, let’s follow Mary’s example. Instead of striving for perfection in our holiday plans, let’s spend time in worship, prayer, and soaking in God’s Word.


4. Practical Ways to Prepare for His Presence

If you’re wondering how to intentionally prepare for His presence this Advent, here are a few practical ideas:

  1. Start Each Day with Scripture: Read a passage from the Advent Bible Reading Guide (like the one above!) to center your heart on God’s promises.

  2. Light an Advent Candle: Use a simple Advent wreath at home. Each candle represents hope, peace, joy, and love—reminders of what Christ brings.

  3. Practice Gratitude: Keep a journal of things you’re thankful for each day to help shift your focus from stress to blessings.

  4. Simplify Gift-Giving: Instead of extravagant presents, consider giving meaningful gifts like handwritten letters or acts of service.

  5. Serve Others: Find ways to share Christ’s love, whether it’s volunteering, donating to those in need, or simply showing kindness.


5. Looking Forward to His Return

Advent isn’t just about looking back at Christ’s birth; it’s also about looking ahead to His glorious return. As we celebrate His first coming, we’re reminded of His promise to come again and make all things new.

Revelation 22:12

“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.” 

This hope gives us strength to live faithfully in the present, knowing that our waiting will one day be rewarded.

So, as you journey through Advent, let it be a time of holy anticipation. Let it draw you closer to Jesus, the greatest gift of all.


Reflection Questions

  1. What distractions or “clutter” in your life might be crowding out room for Jesus this Advent season?

  2. How can you practice waiting with hope and trust in God’s perfect timing?

  3. What are some ways you can focus on God’s presence and relationships over material things this Christmas?


lady praying

A Prayer for Advent

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus, who brings hope, peace, joy, and love into our lives. This Advent season, help us to prepare our hearts for His presence, not just for the celebration of Christmas but for His return. Show us how to wait well, trusting in Your timing and promises. Clear out anything in our hearts that hinders us from drawing closer to You. Teach us to prioritize what truly matters—Your presence and our relationships with others. May this season be a time of renewal, reflection, and deep connection with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


May this Advent season be a time of quiet joy and holy anticipation as you prepare for the most precious gift of all—His presence in your life.


🌟 Download Your Free Printable The Gift of Advent  Worksheet Bundle! 🌟

Get a head start on the Advent season with our free printable worksheet bundle. Packed with daily Bible verses, reflection questions, and gratitude prompts, this resource is designed to enrich your personal Bible study and deepen your connection with God. Each page helps you explore Scripture, reflect on His Word, and cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving. Perfect for individual use or family devotion time.

Download now and let this guide be a blessing in your Advent journey!

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