Trust God and Follow

John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God believe also in me.
God has a promise for each fear we experience. Something about God's character and the promises He has made comforts us in our toughest times.
Have faith that God is who He claims to be. Then step out and follow. Do what God is requesting of you.
Step forward and act on faith when you're not sure how everything will turn out. Knowing God better will improve your ability to trust in and follow his commands.
Therefore, we have His promises. We are to be satisfied. We shouldn't be concerned about how we'll meet our needs in the future.
What are we to do then, when we have a need, instead of worrying, seeking, or manipulating? Simply ask Him to fulfill our needs, asking in faith and knowing that if He knows it is a need, He will meet it.
Will you put your faith in Him despite the challenges?