Why People Do Unkind Things?
The Christian perspective on why people do unkind things is that people are inherently selfish, and when we do not think of the consequences of our actions, we end up hurting others. People often do unkind things because they lack empathy for others, or they have been hurt in the past and don't know how to deal with their pain. Some people also choose to be unkind because they are seeking approval from others and attention. , or they are feeling rejected. There is a link between emotional pain and being unkind. When people feel bad about themselves, they often lash out by hurting others. They may want revenge on those who have hurt them or to make someone else feel as bad as they do. Emotional pain can be an underlying cause of some people's unkind actions.
What are the Causes of Unkindness?
There are many causes of unkindness. Some people are just not kind by nature. They may be born with a personality that is not very sympathetic. Others might have had a bad experience in life and they are just bitter as a result.
The bible says that the cause of unkindness is usually found in the heart of man. When someone desires something, he or she will often do anything to get it, even if it means being unkind to others who stand in their way.
The Bible clearly states that the cause of being unkind is the wrong way of thinking or feeling. There are a variety of causes for this, including envy, anger, greed, and selfishness.
What does the bible say about this topic?
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
These Bible verses are the perfect source of inspiration to remind you how important it is to be kind to others.
How can we overcome unkindness?
The Bible has a lot to say about this.
The first thing is that we must repent (turn away) from our sin. We need to confess and ask God’s forgiveness for our sins.
We also need to pray and ask God for help in overcoming unkindness.
The Bible says that when we do this, God will give us the power and strength to overcome unkindness and to forgive others.
Colossians 3:13 says “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Ephesian 4:32 “Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. “
The Bible teaches us that we should not be unkind to one another. We should not be mean to others, but instead show love and kindness. Jesus Christ was the perfect example of how to overcome unkindness. He showed his love by giving his life for us so that we could have eternal life with him in Heaven .
Romans 5:9 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." (Colossians 3:12).
The Conclusion:
The Christian Perspective on Why People Do Unkind Things
Because people are born with a sinful nature. This means that they are born with the tendency to want to do wrong.
The Bible teaches that God created people in His image and likeness and that He wants them to live in relationship with Him, but because of their sinful nature, they cannot. So, God took on human form and lived among us so that we could know Him and have the opportunity of eternal life.
People do unkind things for various reasons - some for pleasure, others out of anger or revenge, some because they don't know any better. But there is hope! The Bible tells us about Jesus Christ who came to save us from our sinfulness so we can have eternal life with God. And God sent his Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of the world.
John3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”
The life we have now is not really ours; it belongs to God, who loaned it to us while we were still sinners
Romans 6:23 says, For the wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
But because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross, Satan can no longer claim our lives as his. If any of us are able to claim anything in this life as rightfully ours, it is the reward that God has promised to those who believe in Jesus and follow him.
The Bible says the righteous will live forever, and the wicked will be put on their faces forever
Psalm 37: 9-11
"For evildoers will be eliminated, But those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land.
Yet a little while and the wicked person will be no more; And you will look carefully for his place and he will not be there. But the humble will inherit the land And will delight themselves in abundant prosperity."
Do you want the reward of eternal life? -- Or will you live in the face of everlasting shame?
The days of our years are three score and ten, or eighty (Psalm 90: 10).
God wants to take care of us, but if we're not on His team, we'll be left behind.
Will you be in His team?